DreamWorks Animation has an elite group of concept artists divided between its two campuses in California. I visited with the dream team at the Redwood City campus to share my presentation about color and light---and to show the panda a few kung fu moves.
We then went upstairs to their very inspiring creative habitat. When they're not working on new character designs and environments for movies like Puss in Boots, The Croods, Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom and Megamind, they have an art room for figure drawing classes.
Ruben Perez is holding a demo sketch I did of him using water-soluble colored pencils. And we're holding each others' one-of-a-kind advance copies of upcoming books: Color and Light: A Guide for the Realist Painter, and Moonshine: DreamWorks Artists...After Dark.
That "Moonshine" book, which should arrive in stores soon, showcases the personal work, done after hours, by each member of DreamWorks's creative crew.
DreamWorks Animation SKG
Moonshine at Amazon
Thanks, Angela, Katie, and the awesome DW Team!