Day 4 of Video Week is about making towers of ice. When you put candles in them, they look like transparent lighthouses, and they keep shining even in a hefty windstorm.

A couple of points that I forgot to mention:

1. I don’t recommend using bare hands for handling wet ice in zero degree weather. Leather gloves don’t work either because they stick hard and you have to tear the surface layer off. Neoprene gloves seem to do the job. Also, be careful not to stick your tongue out if you make an ice helmet.

2. To make the cylinders of ice stack securely, put a ring of wet slush at the top of each section before adding the next. That will freeze and bond like cement.

3. If you have a hollow cylinder below the top one, you can chip a 5-inch hole in the side of it so that you can put a candle in there, too.
Direct link to YouTube video: Ice Towers
GurneyJourney channel on YouTube
Previously on GJ:
Icy Blockhead
Sub-Freezing Soap Bubbles.
Sub-Zero Bubble Discussion
Mud Trap Video