ACOPAL stands for the “American Chinese Oil Painting Artists League.” They’re inviting artists to submit works in an open competition. Winners will exhibit alongside members of ACOPAL in New York City. Then some of the paintings will be chosen to travel to China.
The membership of ACOPAL reads like a Who’s Who of contemporary realism:
Paul W. McCormack (whose work "Karen" is shown above), Steven Assael, Scott Burdick, Jacob Collins, Gabriella Dellosso, Gary T. Erbe, Nanette Fluhr, Chao Ge, Max Ginsburg, Gary Godbee, Daniel E. Greene, Michael Grimaldi, David Jon Kassan, Everett Raymond Kinstler, Valerie Larko, Jeremy Lipking, Susan Lyon, Pang Maokun, John Morra, Graydon Parrish, Charles Pfahl, Tony Pro, Christopher Pugliese, Guo Runwen, Anthony J. Ryder, Richard Schmid, Ronald N. Sherr, Dan Thompson, Joseph Todorovitch, Thomas Valenti, Anthony Waichulis, Patricia Watwood, Chen Yanning, and He Yeuhua.
More about the competition at the official website.