Even the miniature horse Skye was in harness. She’s pregnant. A baby miniature foal is due in the next few days. I’ll try to do some sketches when the day comes.

Lenny let me try ground driving behind Sofie and Abby. It’s the first time I’ve tried it. He told me to lean back a bit to let them know I was behind them.

I was pretending I was walking behind a couple of Anchiceratops, like in Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara.
The other news is that on Saturday night a big black bear came right up to the back of our house. I think he smelled the bird feeders. It's the first black bear I've ever seen on this side of the Hudson River.

Soon it will be time to close up the feeders for the season, but there have been some spectacular birds passing through, such as my favorite, the rose breasted grosbeak, a bird we see only one day a year.
Previously on Gurney Journey
Princess the Belgian filly
Christmas Surprise (birth of Joy, the donkey)
Joy in the Farmyard
Snow Plowing with Draft Horses
By the way, ACOPAL (America China Oil Painting Artist League) has announced its winners and finalists. The link takes you to a gallery of the work accepted. I'm delighted that my painting Chandara was chosen as a finalist.