Journey into the World of Gurney: from Chandara to Ancient Egypt.
Lucca, Italy at the Palazzo Ducale
Lucca Comics & Games, October 16, 2010 through November 1, 2010
A few days ago, a truck came and took away two big crates of artwork bound for Italy. The artwork will be featured in an exhibition of approximately 40 of my paintings.

The show begins with Dinotopia: Journey to Chandara, showing both the private and public lives of humans and dinosaurs, and exploring the intersection of utopia, geography, history, science, and fantasy.

Visitors will also be treated to few paintings from Dinotopia: The World Beneath which have never before been exhibited. The exhibit concludes with additional original oil paintings from the world of science fiction and fantasy paperback covers, as well as historical paintings for National Geographic (Voyage of Jason, above, will be included).

For any further information:
Lucca Comics and Games 2010
Also includes image from previous post: Kushite King